Ego Dissolution in Psychology (Simplified)

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Ego Dissolution in Psychology (Simplified)

What does ego dissolution mean?

  • Ego dissolution is like losing the feeling of being separate from the world and starting to feel a part of everything around you.
  • You feel so connected that the dichotomy between self and world diminishes. You feel at one with everything.

The spectrum of ego dissolution

  • Left: shows “normal life” where you feel like separate from others and the world.
  • Middle: shows “flow state”, a deep focus where you merge with the activity.
  • Right: shows “peak experience” where you feel one with others and the world.
  • Sometimes ego dissolution can lead to self-transcendence.
Yaden, D. B., & Newberg, A. (2022). The varieties of spiritual experience 21st century research and perspectives. Oxford University Press.

The more you move to the right:

  • You feel more calm & trusting  
  • You feel more loving without trying
  • You feel less lonely 
  • You feel more connected to nature & people  

Most spiritual paths and religions aim to move us to the right. Some psychologists agree that people on the right end are the healthiest and happiest.  

Okay, so you want to dissolve your ego. Now what? 

  • Open up by setting an intention or praying to whatever higher power you believe in. I ask for awareness, patience, and guidance. 
  • Notice it, don’t push it away. If you push it away, it might play out stronger undercover. I like the quote “let go, let god”.
  • Try engaging in Positive Psychology interventions. See a list in figure 1 below.

Word of warning:

  • If anyone had the magic answer, we’d all be in heaven right now. So don’t trust anyone who thinks they have all the answers. 
  • Take chicken nuggets from whatever resonates with you and leave the rest. 
  • I love sticking to science! Instead of modern self-help, reddit advice, or spirituality books, I dive into academic books, research, and experts.

It’s about the world:

Shifting towards the right isn’t just personal growth; it’s a step toward making the entire world a better place, one person at a time.

Figure 1: Positive Psychology Interventions


Yaden, D. B., & Newberg, A. (2022). The varieties of spiritual experience 21st century research and perspectives. Oxford University Press.

Zelenski, J. M. (2020). Positive psychology: the science of well-being. Sage Publications.

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