Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Happiness

Misha Jan Avatar
Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Happiness

The motivation behind our goals directly determines the level of satisfaction that can be derived from them. Extrinsic goals are motivated by obtaining external rewards while intrinsic goals are personally rewarding. In this article, you will learn more about the difference between the two, and why intrinsic goals lead to greater overall happiness. 

What Are Extrinsic Goals?

Extrinsic goals are goals that are motivated by external forces such as admiration, fame, conformity, and wealth. People with extrinsic goals often compare themselves to others and their self-esteem is largely dependent on external validation.  

Some examples of extrinsic goals:

  • Joining the army because of a large salary or the prestige of being an army officer. 
  • Getting a degree in biochemistry because it yields a greater income.
  • Wearing uncomfortable clothes because they are trendy and will attract compliments. 

What Are Intrinsic Goals?

On the other hand, intrinsic goals are goals that have personal meaning attached. These goals will not change as a result of others’ opinions, societal expectations, or monetary benefits. Intrinsic goals are aligned with a person’s genuine passions, core values, or interests. 

Some examples of intrinsic goals:

  • Joining the army because you want to serve your country and have skills that match the role. 
  • Getting a degree in biochemistry because you’re curious about chemical processes. 
  • Wearing a yellow shirt because you feel bright and it resonates with your mood. 

“Living from the inside out, not outside in”

Why you should seek out intrinsic goals?

  1. Increased happiness

Countless studies have found that intrinsic goals lead to greater life satisfaction [1]. People who set intrinsic goals focus on what they, themselves, truly find meaningful. Their goals make them happy regardless of any external reinforcement (praise, money, or status). Happiness is truly an intrinsic state of being, so to derive joy from anywhere else is an ephemeral pursuit. 

  1. Greater success

Not only do intrinsic goals allow you to feel true happiness, but they are also correlated with greater levels of success. For example, a study analysed the motivations of Army officers and found that those who entered the army with internal reasons ended up being more successful at their job [2]. 

Setting intrinsic goals is a choice that you can make. By setting intrinsic goals, your happiness, confidence, and peace will no longer be dependent on external forces, giving you control over your emotions. To learn more about how to set intrinsic goals or get aligned with your path in life, you might want to check out The Purpose of Life & How To Find Yours.


  1. Lee, M. A., & Kawachi, I. (2019). The keys to happiness: Associations between personal values regarding core life domains and happiness in South Korea. PloS one, 14(1), e0209821.
  2. Wrzesniewski, A., Schwartz, B., Cong, X., Kane, M., Omar, A., & Kolditz, T. (2014). Multiple types of motives don’t multiply the motivation of West Point cadets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(30), 10990–10995.

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