The Purpose of Life & How To Find Yours 

Misha Jan Avatar
The Purpose of Life & How To Find Yours 

Fulfillment and joy are our compasses in life; the greatest joy comes as a result of growth and being of service. Growth is the wave that allows us to find our purpose and share it with the world. This article is a reminder of our two main purposes in life, followed by a guide to discovering your unique individual purpose

  1. Learning & Growth 

The first purpose of life is to learn and grow morally. Our individual lives and circumstances are designed to teach us the lessons that we need to overcome. Every single person experiences some form of adversity or obstacles that they must overcome. There is no exception to this core principle of existence, nobody is born without enduring hardships. 

The product of adversity is growth. 

Suffering is inflicted upon us in order for learning to occur. There are valuable lessons planted within every mistake or problem if we choose to receive them. The more obstacles we overcome, the more our awareness grows. With increased awareness comes increased feelings of connection, understanding, and happiness. 

The trees crown is only the tip of the iceberg, the real growth happens beneath the surface. 


A tree’s observable surface growth is only the tip of the iceberg. The fundamental growth that is the basis of the existence of the tree is the roots that grow deep. The roots of the tree determine its external growth and luster. Just like trees, our internal mental and spiritual states determine our physical health. Everything starts from within and is solved by going in; learning and growing are the antidotes.

A neglected mind and soul manifests itself as physical symptoms and interpersonal chaos. 

Another sign that underlines the importance of growth is that while the crown of a tree may stop growing, its roots continue to grow. The same is true with us; our physical growth may stop, slow, or recess, but our internal development is a lifelong journey. 

  1. Being of Service

Everything creation has something to leave behind. Trees give us oxygen and leave fruits that carry seeds that sprout into more trees. Beavers combat climate change by regulating the river ecosystems. Elephants use their trunks to dig water during dry seasons and provide it to other animals. 

We have the ability to contribute to society by leaving behind ideas, solutions, children, inspiration, and much more. Every person that is alive has contributed to evolution in some form. 

Contributing to society is a basic human need. 

This is because we are designed to work, it is a basic human need. Studies show that unemployment is associated with increased rates of suicide, depression, anxiety, and lack of physical health (Bertazzi, 2010). 

Countless studies have identified the connection between empathy and increased happiness (Chung et al., 2021). Being of service daily through small acts of selfless kindness will enrich our souls and allow for greater life satisfaction.  

Being of service to the earth, animals, and humans reduces depression and increase true intrinsic happiness. 

Your Unique Purpose

The secret to a truly joyful and fulfilling life is finding our soul’s authentic path. To do that, it is important to live by the 2 purposes mentioned above, as they will lead to the discovery of your unique gifts.  Our unique purposes may be different but are equally as important. 

Hints to help you discover your purpose:

  1. It is something that fits almost perfectly with your circumstances. 
  2. It provides some benefit to the environment, animals, or humans. 
  3. When you are immersed in it, you lose track of time. 

Signs that you have found your purpose:

  1. Synchronicities arise such as doors opening up for you and things falling into place effortlessly. 
  2. All your past hurdles start to make sense and contribute to your purpose. 
  3. You do it with Meraki; soul, creativity, and love. 

Why you may be struggling to find your purpose:

  1. You have blockages preventing you from seeing clearly. These blockages are the diseases of the heart or lessons that have yet to be learned. 
  2. Your mind is cluttered with ideas, comparisons, and chatter from other people. 
  3. You are too focused on what you want from life, rather than what life wants from you. 

Every creature possesses a unique quality of contribution that creates a symphony. 

The purpose of life is to learn and be of service; how that is done is your unique journey to discover. 


Chung, Y. W., Im, S., & Kim, J. E. (2021). Can Empathy Help Individuals and Society? Through the Lens of Volunteering and Mental Health. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 9(11), 1406.

Bertazzi P. A. (2010). Il lavoro come bisogno umano e fattore di salute [Work as a basic human need and health promoting factor]. La Medicina del lavoro, 101 Suppl 2, 28–43.

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